Info-Haselünne   Die Hansestadt im Herzen des Emsland 

Marktplatz in Haselünne

Ghosts and spirits - hounting and charming

Any decent town is hounted by some spirits and ghosts. People with low spirits, people with high spirits, liquor spirits, halloween ghosts, graveyard ghosts, ghostwriters, fairies, ghosts of dark or charming memorys, ghosts of great  history - you will allways find a fair amount of spirits and ghosts all over the town.

Haselünne has some outstanding members of these ghostly association :

First, there are the spirits,  ( " Weingeist "= spirit of vine, spiritus vini, also called alcohol ) . Several generations of the families Berentzen, Heydt and Rosche produced ( and still produce ) highly intoxicating spirits named "Korn". ( By the way, the one with the biggest sales doesn´t allways produce the best Korn ). Nowadays, you can buy spirits sparkling all colors of the rainbow, suiting every taste, all made in Haselünne.

Berentzen AG alone, now selling worldwide, produces enough spirits to sustain the small Meppen-Haselünner railway, a private railway compagny. Not only does this railway compagny provide cheap cargo fares, it also entertains a small museum train still going with a steam engine.

Thanks to these spirits, the town of Haselünne not only gets jobs and taxes, but also also some touristic attractions.  There ist the distillery museum, the "Korn"-academy ( gerat fun ! ), a good looking "Korn"-Queen and last, but not least, a big fair every two years, the historic "Korn-and Hanse" market. In time, we will provide you with some fotos.


Second, there are some real ghosts and fairys, more or less frendly towards men, and some of them are presented in an small booklet, called " Sagenhaftes Haselünne " ( Myths and legend of Haselünne ). We sincerely regret , that  this booklet isn´t available in English. Those of you, who are able to read German, will find a small summary below.

Sagenhaftes Haselünne

(von der Autorin autorisierte Schleich- Werbung)

Gisela Brix ( Autorin ) / Monika Knieper ( Illustration )

Herausgeber: Berentzen Hof GmbH, Ritterstr.7, 49740 Haselünne    August 2000  Paperback , 41 Seiten, DM 9,80


Wie der Apfelkorn entstanden istSagenbuchtitelbild

Gespenstertreffen in den Heimathäusern

Die Riesen- Brüder

Die Ritter-Tafel

Der gestohlene Stundenschlag

Die kleine Nixe vom Haseufer

Der Wassergeist vom See

Das Moor-Männchen

Die weiße Frau vom Westerholtschen Burgmannshof

Leseprobe :

  Vor vielen hundert Jahren gab es eine Burg in Haselünne, in der ein Burgherr mit seiner Familie wohnte. Die Söhne und Töchter taten das, was zu der damaligen Zeit üblich war. Nur die jüngste Tochter war anders als ihre Geschwister. Sie verbrachte jeden Tag einige Stunden auf dem Burgturm, wo sie sehnsüchtig den Vögeln nachschaute.......

Die Hexe vom Wacholderhain

ghosts and spirits will be continued...

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Hier geht es zum Haselünner Extrablatt.
Korn-und Hansemarkt

Das Extrablatt gibt es vorerst leider nur auf Hochdeutsch.