Info-Haselünne Die Hansestadt im Herzen des Emsland |
With help of our map it will be easy to visit us by car. Alternatively you can try the following means of transportation : |
1. bicycle : Flat lands and cycle-lanes anlong nearly every road will allow you to approach by bicycle throughout the whole year. 2. ship : One of the big vessels will take you to Emden. A barge will bring you up the river Ems to Meppen. There you get a canoe, paddle up the river Hase till you reach the canoe-pier just in front of the Haselünne church-tower. 3. train : Use the scheduled trains from the directions of Münster, Osnabrück, Hengelo or Rheine, (most of them use to be delayed) , then catch the train to Meppen. Roughly ten times a year the museum train will take you from Meppen to Haselünne. Besides, you can allways get a taxi, if you don´t want to make a nice litte 15 km walk to Haselünne. 4. aeroplane : Take the jumbo-jet to Münster/Greven, Bremen or Amsterdam. There you change into a mini-plane (piper, fokker etc) and keep ready for a parachute jump. Get down when you are crossing the towns marketplace. Two church-towers and three chimneys of the destillerys serve as landing-places. |
Hier geht es zum Haselünner Extrablatt. |